Saturday 10 March 2012


As a 'passionista' about food, I am always filled with enthusiasm when making food especially all the time consuming and labour intensive procedures to create quality foods, e.g bread, samoosas, curing and smoking meats and fish, cake decorating, preserving, etc.!

They say 'necessity is the mother of invention'. This drove me to explore for myself how to make salt beef as well as pickled ox tongue (a delicacy in South Africa)! I was wishing for it too much. I was immensely enthused after the initial successful experiment and went on to explore further possibilities such as making Pastrami! In the process I accidentally discovered a brilliant smoking chip to use, it will remain my secret.... I've never looked back! Also dabbled in prosciutto making , definitely will continue!

My next project will be to make all sorts of salami and dried sausages found in the Mediterranean!

Salt Beef

Pickled Ox Tongue


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